What is ESD?

What is ESD?

Electric Shock Drowning, commonly called ESD, occurs when electricity leaks into water where humans and animals swim. When a living creature comes into contact with electricity in the water, it doesn’t paint a typical picture of electrocution. Instead, the electricity will render its victim paralyzed, causing them to dip below the surface of the water, allowing the lungs to fill up with water just like a typical drowning scenario. As little as ten milliamps, 1/50th the amount used by a 60-watt light bulb, can cause paralysis and drowning!

Unfortunately, the presence of electricity in the water is undetectable by the human eye. It can also be fleeting, which means it’s not consistent in its presence.

What Causes ESD?

Electricity can leak from multiple sources- anywhere electricity is near water- boats, marines, pools, and hot tubs. We even had one of our customers who had electricity in her pool through a junction box in her house!

Even if you are diligent in your upkeep, hiring licensed electricians to complete your electric work and professionals for your boat, dock, and pool maintenance, there still needs protection from the weather and animals who like to nibble on cords. And wires. Rain and flash flooding can also increase the chances of ESD due to water levels being higher than usual, often covering the electrical aspects of docks and marinas. Hurricanes and the flooding they bring can also lead to ESD. There was an unfortunate case during Hurricane Harvey where a teen boy perished when he tried to return home before the flooding subsided.


If You Suspect ESD