
Monitor and Prevent ESD

(Electric Shock Drowning)
ShockAlarm device floating in water

At ShockAlarm, we’re on a mission to save lives. Electric shock drowning, or ESD, is a life-threatening hazard that begins as an electrical current in a body of water that meets with a person’s body, and temporary paralysis results. Once paralyzed, an individual loses muscle control, and drowning results in places most feel safe, including swimming pools, ponds, lakes, rivers, and dock areas.

ShockAlarm is a portable and durable floating device that monitors water for the presence of an electrical current that can cause drowning. Electrical current can enter the water via many different methods, such as an exposed extension cord accidentally knocked into the water, an existing power cable sheared by a rock or boat motor, or even a pump or motor repair not completed properly.

ShockAlarm is affordable for any pool or lake. It is a safe and reliable alert system designed to prompt those preparing to enter unsafe water and protect those we love in the water to take action immediately.